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Where's 'at home' for you?

I ask, not for a quick answer.

As ever with everything Living First, take your time... you might surprise yourself.

Yesterday I posted about the state of the universe and the climate just now... drawing out lethargy... and provided guidance... be sluggish... take time out... somewhere where you are at home. Well, I was so surprised by my taking time out that I thought I'd share it with you.

No, it wasn't surrounded by nature, alone in a meditative state. Neither was it at home, safely cocooned within my four walls.

I went...

Dancing !

Yes, one of my 'at homes' is social dancing! Ballroom, music, free expression and technique with lots of lovely, 'up for it' people.

So, there you go, an insight into 'at homes'. I've always enjoyed dancing, I find it releasing, clearing and rejuvenating. And I've always enjoyed people... all sorts. So, all told it makes sense that it's going to be good for me, life enhancing expanding... and of. course, most important for good, all round whole body, whole life health, well being, life and living quality... life affirming.

So, where's 'at home' for you?

If you want to join me to find out more about yourself, your life and living, do get in touch. As well as 1 to 1 therapies, here in Nottingham or more remotely via Skype, I've put the therapies into a workshop format called Unleash your Power (so much life is tied up in unnecessaries these days!). Currently available in Nottingham city centre, you can sign up for workshop Pt 1 of 2 here .

Alternatively, I can tailor the workshop to your team, group or organisation and travel to you.

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