Don't you just love a good Aha!
It's like everything's aligned with everything else and something, a thing that's been lurking about in the deep recesses of our minds explodes out into life. And oh my goodness - the experience can be anything from a rather understated, 'of course !' to euphoric. Either way, they are nothing short of wonderful. Not surprising really, as those all important Aha! moments are wonder full!
So, what brought on this sparkle of enlightenment...?
We know don't we that we are in a mode of constant transformation...? Well, if you're still not sure - we are. Just let it be and let it happen.
As you know, life-enhancing transformation is my life and last evening's experience was nothing short of gorgeous. For this was a heart-centred Aha! I felt well and truly loved... which led (eventually!) to a long, dreamless yet dreamy sleep.
Just the other day I realised how the whole mind works well. It surely is an amazing aspect of our being fraught with complications a-plenty that can lead to all forms of disastrous decision making. However, when we get a reasonable handle on who we are and what we're all about, things begin to loosen, untangle, live better together and yeah, things get a whole lot easier. Anyway, all of that happened over the weekend, leading to me waking up just different ! Still me, just different. This led me to being different when things began to happen.
Then, out of nowhere it just hits - that experience of being loved hit home. Gorgeous.
This happened as a culmination of all the moments I've lived before opening myself to everything and anything nourishing. Things were aligned and in it came, enlivening my heart and filling it with love... leading to yet more wholistic transformations... including this morning's aha!
The outcome being:
To be gently loving through these somewhat dramatic changes...
alive and living in the whole of me. From the visions I have to living them through to fruition.

Love, light and good wishes everyone... x
News on the Living First front
The Practice - working with me 1 to 1
I know asking for help - real help is a scary prospect. For one, we're showing vulnerability and for another, we don't know what we might be opening ourselves up to.
I'm loving the peeps that are passing my way. What a beautifully unique eclectic group of people. So much for marketing to an ideal client - marketing, schmarketing !
to book an appointment phone:
Totnes Natural Health Centre: 01803 864 587
Me: 07737 196 669
(leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can)
Click here to book a complementary 30 min call back
The Writing...
We're working on getting The Alphabet ready for the end of November - still lots to do, and yes, still enjoying it - it's great doing your own thing !
So too the Anthology...
Should be any day now! We did extend the timetable a tad to get it just so, so here's hoping...
Still no direct work on the booklet... saying that, little bits and bobs happening along the way.
Publishing eh! A whole new world... and still with my piece de resistance waiting in the wings. It's one for the mid-lifers in preparation for living the other side of mid life really, really well.
The Global Reiki Circle... will be Sunday, 14th November
The next 12 months have been set up waiting for you to book your place (so to speak)
Click here to go to the event and book through Facebook... no fee and always will be
Word to the wise... even though I don't need a reminder, I click that I'm going and Facebook then keeps you up to date. What can I say... it's all goooood, somewhat magical stuff - yep, nourishing!
I haven't sorted a theme for this coming months just yet... click here to stay in the loop and join our Facebook Group
above all,
be safe, be sure, and no matter what, be you
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Lead photo by Spenser Sembrat on Unsplash