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Writer's picturePat Fletcher

A New Year, a new number, a new life...

One thing I have learnt is that the only constant in life is change.

This time last year I was still grieving my mum's passing. Little did I know what life held beyond, yet something whispered out these words

'Being Real' were the two words for the year ahead. To which I added the others in time...

Yes, the unconscious is a mighty powerful aspect of our lives - and one that needs to remain 'beyond ourselves' for us to live well in this crazy mixed up life.

Bless it, the diary's looking a little tired now

Not surprising really with the generosity of upheaval that followed my writing of this message to myself on 1st January, 2022

Gosh! Me: An Unchained Melody... little did I know!

Yes, the underlying message for the year was freedom. This held good throughout, including our monthly Global Reiki Circle where the theme for the year was setting our spirits free... but also with the Reiki I got to practice at TNHC where I was told by a Reiki Master that I was a powerful healer! I know, it remains a surprise to me too!

Pause for digression... Spirit is a funny thing isn't it. I was thinking about it this morning. As well as its magical almost illusory qualities, it is a combination of light, vitality and reality that appears boundless - beautiful. Yes, our spirit is precious indeed and...

As the the rest of 2022, it held a shift for me that didn't begin to come to light until springtime - a shift to the other side of the planet no less! Yes, 2022 was quite the year.

As to 2023...

well, these were/are the words...

... only time and living will tell.

No matter what life and living has in store for you

my wish, as always is

for peace...

inside, out and throughout...

to be our vital selves

in this one big hit we have at living

our one and only

beautifully unique


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