I like to take things and make them my own...
It could be anything - the words of a song, a quote, or in this case the names of the days of the week - to make them more meaningful - to me.
The trigger for changing the names of the days of the week was the nursery rhyme that goes:
Monday's child is fair of face,
Tuesday's child is full of grace - I like that - I was born on a Tuesday, but I always felt sorry for those born on a Wednesday...
for they are full of woe.
It's like we can't help but put labels on ourselves. Some make us feel good about ourselves, others not so good and then there are those that make us feel bad, less than, not as good as. Most of which actually mean very little at all - if anything. I don't like that, or anything like it, so I change them.
There's loads of stuff in life to contend with anyway - real stuff -without burdening ourselves with unnecessaries
Here's my version of the days of the week...
Happy Mournday
Happy Chooseday
Happy Winsday
Happy Thirstday
Happy Flyday
Happy Happyday
Happy Happy, Happyday
You might ask, why Mournday? Well, it's to mark the transition from Happy Happyday and Haappy Happy, Happyday and to serve as a reminder to me to be good to myself.
For me Mournday is a quieter than usual day a, gentle re-introduction into the busyness of the rest of the week.
Chooseday is just that. Whilst choices are open every day, Chooseday is a reminder of that. A reminder that I have options... and opportunities. Time indeed to gather all the stuff that nourishes, with open invitation for more, whilst letting go all that doesn't.
Winsday is a lovely day - a day of celebrating being alive, living and living my life.
Thirstday opens my soul for more nourishment - to go where's best for me.
Flyday reminds me my spirit is best when free to be
nothing rings more true than a living soul free to be
All of which brings me to Happyday and Happy, Happyday
My dear old mum used to say to me,
Don't worry, be happy
So I try not to worry.,, not always successfully.
I sometimes have difficulty letting things be what they are and being good to myself, the whole of me.
So, when things do get scrambled, entangled I immerse myself in the stuff that nourishes, offload, let go, unwind, unravel, take a time out, letting all the stuff of botheration gently float away.
It's a difficult thing to do for people who care, especially those who are catalytic with it - caring change agents - really tough. It can be tougher still for those who live with them.
So yes, Happyday and Happy, Happydays are for just that...
... chillaxing with those I care about and who care about me...
Things like this works for me - so much so I've put a pop-up reminder in my calendar. Up they pop every morning, bringing a smile to my soul.
Now that's what I call turning a frown upside down.
What do you do to turn your frowns upside down?
Happy life balance everyone - you doing your stuff your way and enjoying it!
News on the Living First front
In Practice
And the excitement is back!
Loving my time at the Totnes Natural Health Centre. I now have a lovely, spacious room in the rafters - it's like being up in the clouds. A perfect space for all I do and yes, my clients are reaping the benefits.
From 'beautiful' to 'nourishing' through to 'Wow that was very powerful' - and all from fellow Reiki Practitioners!
Each and every one so far is a beautifully, gorgeous woman going through the aftermath of the last 18 months. I feel blessed, privileged and honoured to be helping them on their way - playing my part in their recovery.
Life not going as you'd like?
To book an appointment in person in Totnes phone:
Totnes Natural Health Centre: 01803 864 587
for Friday's donation-only slots (sliding scale, £40-25, £14 low income)
Me: 07737 196 669
for (still affordable) private sessions in Totnes or online
The Writing...
Still no word from the designer - obviously not for me! Luckily the work I've done on the Anthology has prepared me well for self-publishing, my darling husband is willing - keen even to do all the techy stuff (soooo not my forte) and yes, why not!
3 more reviews to come in - the deadline is now next Sunday evening. Fingers crossed they all come through. As I mentioned last week, they're- all ladies with young children or with older children and grandchildren, and all in the northern hemisphere. So yes, patience once more whilst the holidays come to an end.
The anthology is still coming to fruition. However, methinks like all projects worth doing, I'll be around for some time yet. The good news is that the lead for our sales team has risen to the top and I feel our work in its production is ebbing away, making way for the next.
It's such a cracking piece of writing! Can't wait to buy and read it!
I haven't been working on the booklet... breathing all these things in, around and throughout. I do so love living! Still not sure about what it's missing.... it'll come.
Global Reiki Circle was Sunday, 12th September
OMGoodness it was a good one. I don't know whether it's due to me being back in practice, but the energy was amazing. Busier than ever before, and clearing. Goooood stuff!
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above all,
be safe, be sure, and no matter what, be you
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(the photo - I took this close to home on one of my Happy Happydays)