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What words, thoughts, feelings, visuals are conjured up when you consider being at 'home'?

Let's see, what were my thoughts on the matter... there were cottages, loft apartments, log cabins to large Victorian coastal properties. Definitely England, either or both of coast and country. Sometimes it was as simple as having a roof over my head to a key to a door I could call my own. Then there was the roaring fires, the smells of bread baking, happy chatter... cue music, 'all I want is a room somewhere...'

Whatever they were, I now know home is all of those and a whole lot more...

There's the Universe, the planet and nature - obvs! Then there's spiritual. On top of which there are those particular environments where I just feel in my element. Not forgetting being with certain people, doing certain things, which can be just being. All of these things in all their myriad of forms have one thing in common:

Being 'at home' happens when I'm in those places and spaces that make me come alive and live awhile, being myself. It is both nourishing and quite magical...

... the magical happens beneath the surface and beyond the seemingly obvious.

'tis life-changing.

The trigger for major change though was that all important moment when being at home just hit me, stopped me in my tracks delivering a, 'here it is' moment. Which was quite bizarre in itself, as I was in the middle of some random woods in Devon!

Since the move (not to the random woods, but to Devon) my life has gone from strength to strength. I saw a quote this morning,

'Enjoy the beauty of becoming you'

... and yes, every day it seems to be more and more of that.

You see whilst 'we are' we also become and what we become really matters to us.

'I don't feel like myself' is a common complaint

The problem is we are bombarded by life that really does not suit us and whilst we develop ways of coping, managing and controlling, all of these affect our DNA, changing the person we are and what we are to become. (Those bits that don't gel well aren't going away any time soon either). In time we become a person we are not and so it's bound not to feel right. We don't feel like ourselves, because we stop being ourselves.

The key to getting back on track to being yourself is being at home.

Just like all the nasties of life, all the good stuff is transmitted through to your DNA, affecting stem cells. All the nasties are in some way punishing, stopping you from being yourself, making living hard work. Whereas all the good stuff is nourishing, all the way through to your stem cells and throughout.

So what's all the good stuff...?

There's universal and natural laws. I was watching 'Earthshot: Repairing the Planet' - oh my goodness, we have so much to do and yet, give it half a chance and nature will do its thing, rebound and flourish. What I found particularly inspiring (and yes, let's be realistic here - some things rankled) was the Brazillian footballer, Dani Alves - encouraging people to eat less meat. The bit that blew me away was when he likened being in a football stadium with the roar of the crowds to being in the forest - ma man! I just wanted him to put that on repeat and share it with each and every sporting child in the world... I digress,

Universal and natural laws, at some point in the programme someone mentioned 'life's fundamental processes' and yes, that's what I mean by natural laws.

We can't know or learn them - they're are what they are - part and parcel of what makes us tick too - they're for letting go and being them.

Just as the planet heals itself when given a chance to do so - so too do we.

Then there's the spiritual. Now, this I know is a tricky subject. For me it's like I've always had spiritual help, guidance along the way and just like those fundamental processes, I can't know or learn about this. Where spirituality differs to the natural laws is that I can't be this either.. It's like an extra light, loving, intelligent layer of life beyond us that has our back and so wants us to be on track. This combined with the natural laws is a lot of good stuff that's just here, right now and totally free.

And that is where a good chunk of life's transformative beauty lies.

All the good stuff is restive, restorative, untangling and of course, healing. It's like when you're on track, your inner life gets to be its unadulterated self... high-fiving itself as it does its stuff - free and unencumbered. All your living united as one. All of this affects who we are, our thoughts, how we feel, who we live with, where and what we do.

Just like the universe, transformative living expands out into the whole of life affecting everything along the way.

... the more you are, the more you will be 'at home' being yourself.

News on the Living First front

The Practice

Last week was phenomenal once more. Like proper phenomenal. However, the number of bookings is declining...

The Totnes Natural Health Centre is most definitely the place for me to be...

To book an appointment in person in Totnes phone:

Totnes Natural Health Centre: 01803 864 587

for Friday's donation-only slots (sliding scale, £40-25, £14 low income)


Me: 07737 196 669

for (still affordable) private sessions in Totnes or online

The Writing...

Gosh there is so much magic in the air! Enjoying connecting with other magical creatures just now.

The Alphabet is a definite go !

So too the Anthology... oh noooooo! still not at the printers - darn you my eye for beauty!!! I did so not want what I'd spotted to not be right, but it was confirmed by my 2 partners in crime, so it just had to be done! Still looking forward to holding it in my hand and reading it though.

There hasn't been any work on the booklet... however, I did so get the importance of being - the need to be selfish in a self-appreciative kind of way that allows who, what I am and what I do to manifest just as it is. Yes, selfish has had a bad rap.

There are other works in the offing too... my piece de resistance that's been waiting in the wings for an age or two now - one for the mid-lifers as well as poetry. Yes, it has been confirmed, my poetry is purely my own,

The Global Reiki Circle... was last Sunday, 10th October

Long may this ever-changing experience live! It has certainly played a significant part in changing my life for the better. Goooood stuff!

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above all,

be safe, be sure, and no matter what, be you


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(the photo - 'tis one of mine)

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