Life is one of constant change –
... going with the flowing smooths the way
When we are in the process of letting go of everything we became 'to survive' into a more wholistic way of living, we can move on without travelling anywhere at all.
The other morning my relationship with LinkedIn moved on. The sensations it brought triggered thoughts that it was the end. In the past I would have reverted to positive action mode: thrown the baby out with the bath water, cleared the slate and started afresh. This time was different. Much gentler as I remained awhile in farewell mode.
As it turned out, whilst my relationship with LinkedIn had changed, it remained part of my life, just different.
Sometimes, most difficulty occurs when others move on - with or without us
I've said a lot of farewells in my life, this week was to a lovely lady in one of our local shops. Yes, she was moving on, back and forward. Moving on to pastures new, back to where she was born and forwards - onwards and upwards.
It had been on the cards for quite some time. The day had arrived. It was like the hole she would leave was palpable, the whole shop steeped in poignancy. At the same time we shared a whole range of emotions. Happiness and joy, as she was being drawn into expanding her world. All the way through to gentle sadness, marking the passing of the ways.
Moving on marks a shift that triggers a mixture of emotions.
We're each a cocktails of chemicals in a swirling vortex of living energy, and moving on can give us anything from a stirring to a good shake.
Whatever our future holds will happen
Life: moving lines in the sand filled with farewells, potential, possibility, progress, personal growth, development and hellos.
Moving on: potent points of significant change where sometimes those lines are more defined than others. Other times they appear as anomalies amongst the blur of everything else. Then there are those sparkled with brilliance. And all, of course, happening all the time.
No matter what, moving on brings with it a certain awkwardness.
This might help…
Open yourself to those enlivening sparkles of light.
Breathe life into your whole body, letting it do it for you,
filling all the spaces with love, hope, faith, charity… trust –
in, around and throughout…
trust in yourself, life and everything.
News on the Living First front
Yay! Back to practicing in person!
Monday mornings are reserved for 3, donation-only, 1 hr Reiki sessions, with the rest of the week open for private Reiki and/or Transformational Therapy.
Properly special this week - stand out was for a Reiki Master, Reflexologist, Indian Head Masseuse, who wanted it 'just for me' after running a retreat over the weekend. Her response, 'that was beautiful'.
To book phone:
Totnes Natural Health Centre: 01803 864 587
for Monday's donation-only slots (sliding scale, £40-25, £14 low income)
Me: 07737 196 669
for (still affordable) private sessions
The Writing...
More reviews coming in. Eeeks! I think it's nearing that time to approach a designer - still working on the two other projects!
The booklet has been on hold this week, whilst I put the finishing touches to the anthology. Still love that I get to use Photograph 51 for the cover. If you don't know about Photograph 51 - look it up. It's literally a snapshot in history that changed our knowledge of the biological building blocks of life, specifically DNA. I do know though that the content is missing something. I did think illustrations, but now I'm not so sure.... it'll come.
The anthology is very special. A collection of the work of a group of super-talented writer in Totnes. Woohoo! the content and its initial review is done, and it's now winging its way to the proofreader... the crew is preparing to party :-)
Global Reiki Circle is Sunday, 12th September
I love this circle.
Click here to stay in the loop by joining our Facebook Group and it's super for enlivening your space
Interested in finding out more...
Click here to book a complementary 30 min call back
above all,
be safe, be sure, and no matter what, be you
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(the photo - taken with me at the helm of around the world yacht, the Mermeris - little did I know that this little jolly was part of a massive 'moving on'.)