A is for Authenticity
It is a big word isn’t it – by that I mean, loaded with meaning, but what is it? What is authenticity?
We 'know' when we witness authenticity, primarily because we recognise inauthenticity. Even then though, sorting the wheat from the chaff is incredibly difficult.
Indeed, who amongst us has never been duped?
The problem is, once duped, trust becomes knocked out of shape.
In many ways all we need to be aware of is that we have innate authenticity and inauthenticity detectors, senses for it, antennae if you like.
Loosening whilst strengthening these sharpen our and their acuity.
Now, what of our own authenticity?
What does it mean when we are being our authentic selves? What does it feel like? What of the experience – for others as well as ourselves?
It’s all about being yourself, feeling as though you are being yourself, progressing through life just as you would wish to – feeling good.
Now, whatever that is for you is yours and yours alone. It’s impossible to identify, pinpoint and attach labels to. You just 'know' and that’s all there is to it.
Here’s how:
Let your entanglements formed of mistrust - busyness, noise, over-reaction, drama, knee-jerk responses, politics etc. reveal themselves, enjoying all. That may sound a little odd. However, you are all those things and a little bit of humour around your limitations adds space and fluidity aiding the healing process. Relaxing to your core, breathing it all in, around and throughout, opening yourself to freeing yourself from entanglements: past, present and future.
We are highly intelligent beings, adapting to ever-changing situations at the drop of a hat – all of which can take its toll. Whilst our intelligence is built to sort our wheat from the chaff, much of which is done behind the scenes, we can become too heavily dependent on its more cognitive aspects.
To break its hold we turn to the quantum aspects of life where life is beyond all rhyme, reason...
Relaxing your brain and breathing space throughout, open yourself to the vitality in each and every one of your cells. A universe in miniature, each and every cell of every living creature plays a part in the great symphony that is life.
Let go, immersing yourself into the whole of everything, loosening entanglements and breathing life in, around and throughout and into your organic filtering processes: your intelligences.
Take your time, we have to live and experience to grow and develop. Much of our progress happens beyond our cognitive powers. Allowing our innate intelligences to be free aids our free, yet fully present flow with whatever arises, moves, shifts, confronts, wanders and disperses.
Opening, loosening and relaxing your senses, begin to enjoy being yourself: an intelligent, sentient, alive and living human being with a wholly unique and precious life to live.
As you travel along, allow ‘pennies to drop’ into place, delivering senses of clarity, ahas! Breathe their gorgeousness all around and throughout, opening your feet to the ground and your senses to everything all around, inside and out – your world has just expanded – enjoy! Let loose, shaking out any lingering debris. Fully strengthening everything you are from the ground up, inside out, allowing a soft smile to form.
You have so got this… x
So, there we have it, this is the last in the series of Living First's Alphabet of Living Stuff - next step, well, more like giant leap is for its publication. I've written lots in my time, always with a view to publishing proper, even convincing myself at times that just writing on social media, this blog and the likes is in fact publishing. But, I know that's not the case. Publication is for me a giant leap - wish me luck!
to stay in the loop,
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here’s what’s happening this week…
Therapies, workshops etc - Things have moved on the return to real life therapies... slowly.
Inroads have been made into partnering with a local charity, the Totnes Natural Health Centre – next step is an interview with the committee on 16th July - wish me luck!
In the meantime, business continues as usual online.
Everything, of course ;-) changes from day to day - phone Pat: 07737 196 669 for more information, leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Global Reiki Circle – ad hoc ones are continuing and sometimes in the strangest of places - I do wonder sometimes! No matter what, it's all fab.
The next official one is some time away yet, Sunday, 11th July at 8 pm UK time.
Also looking towards Reiki & Transformational Therapy in your own home - what better place to wipe the slate clean, recharge, strengthen and step out - loud, proud and raring to go.
... would you like to work with me 1 to 1?
click the link to book a complementary 30 min call back
above all,
be safe, be sure, be you-ti-full
... and if you would like to participate in the publication process...
How would you like to read the whole thing from Z through to A? There is a catch, I will be asking you for your feedback - specifically regarding its form, content and flow, readability, errors, omissions and repetitions - in a nutshell, as a self-help book - where it does and doesn't do its job.
leave a message or text, 'Book Review' and I'll get back to you as soon as I can:
Pat 07737 196 669