J is for Joy
O M Goodness, Joy, a beautiful thing… but what is it?
I was a little surprised when I searched for a definition of joy.
I certainly know the experience, sensation and feelings, but as to the science, I have no clue. The best starting point when I don’t know something I’m curious about is to begin with a definition of the word. However, in this case, it was a stopping point, hence the tardiness of this week’s post.
Fair enough, the definition of the noun, ‘joy’ is, ‘the sign of great pleasure and happiness’. It was the contextual use of the verb, ‘to rejoice’ that caused my consternation:
‘I felt shame that I had ever joyed in his discomfiture or pain’
To me it seemed bizarre to marry such a sensation of pleasure with one of discomfort – joy and shame…
So I asked some friends… and things began to fall into place…
Joy in itself is enough!
Whilst it is different for different people, joy in itself is enough - a gorgeous thing. It is a phenomenal phenomenon of human beingness, and isn't it amazing - wonderfully joyous even, that we do get to be joyous!
Joy is gorgeous aspect of human beingness, and when alive and living freely in people, and it gets to bubble up and out into the wider world, yes, it can be contagious. No matter what, joy is joyous, and when free to be and free to spread whenever and wherever it hits home, all the better.
So what of the contextual definition of earlier – what’s that all about?
Ah yes, those simultaneous yet mixed feelings that come from living patterns – an wholistic incoherence. Whereas, wholistic joy marks a vitality of vibrations that run throughout touching, enlivening every aspect of our being, inside, out, throughout and out beyond ourselves, living patterns stymie that flow giving rise to conflict.
The good news is, life-limiting living patterns that give rise to these conflicts can be dispersed - with the help of joy.
Life is so much easier when sprinkled with joy. It’s like joy and shared joy marks a freedom of being that we should all enjoy at some point or other through our day. Joy is the mark of a state of open and free yet full unconditionality – a celebration that shows we are indeed alive, living and up for everything our lives have to offer - yes, the highs, lows and everything in between.
The starting point is satisfaction. As Maslow identified way back when, without that inner sense of wholeness brought about by satisfaction, life is indeed limited to satisfying those needs. However, once satisfaction is realised wholistically, it leads to happiness and joy overflowing to abundance.
Here’s How:
Let yourself go and open yourself to abundance – yours, your life’s and life’s abundance inside, out and throughout.
Give yourself permission to reacquaint yourself with all the good stuff of your life – inside, out and throughout.
Open yourself to everything that is precious to you – yes, even those things of your subconscious.
Allow space and time for things to begin to move. Letting your whole self be.
Once that realisation of satisfaction hits home, let it spread throughout as gently as you like – things have shifted.
All the while living and breathing in all the more free, full space, allowing all things precious to gain strength of being through you.
Open yourself to pleasure – one of our most overlooked, more internal senses, allowing time and space for those experiences of pleasure to spread throughout.
After a while you should begin to experience bubbles of joy popping inside. Whilst this can be a bit weird, just let everything – all you are, all you have ever been and all you will ever be – be, allowing those sensations of joyous, luscious gorgeousness spread throughout... a wholly complete smile forming in its own good time... bliss.
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here’s what’s happening this week…
Global Reiki Circle – totally free and always will be is next Sunday 9th May at 8 pm UK time
Join our Facebook Group here for links to this monthly event where you’ll find preparation guidance.
After too long in lockdown, Wholistic Living for REAL – the way your Nature intends workshops are heading out into the real world. Yes, currently checking out a partnership with a local gym/fitness resort. So excited at the prospect of getting more 'less stressed, more living' out into the real world and in person!
I realise I can't be everywhere, so still open to do online classes too.
Email info@livingfirst.co.uk for more information.
… prefer ditching your stress for good 1 to 1?
phone Pat on 07737 196 669
... still not sure?
click the link to book a complementary 30 min call back
above all,
be safe, be sure, be you-ti-full