H is for... Herd
The human herd is an extraordinary beast. Each person unique in their own right, sharing a myriad of qualities with any number of others, yet remaining separate and distinctive. Those others are not limited to other humans either, for we also share many characteristics and qualities of all other forms of life too. There can be no doubt though, a human is a human is a human, and you are you – the one and only you.
Like birds we flock together, building relationships, collecting in tribes through mutual connections, interests, activities, predispositions, predilections, qualities and environments, and yet. Yes, we remain wholly connected with, present in and active participants in the whole of life as part of the whole human herd – past, present and future.
And that, my dear friends can be a tricky thing to get your head, and everything else around sufficient for the rest of you to become reacquainted and live well with – wholistically.
Yes, who and what you are, I am, we are today affects everything we are and everything we become - our future as well as the future of life on this fair planet of ours – our home.
For the most part there is very little we can do to change the run of things, for, just as we are each a culmination of everything that’s ever happened, so too is life. However, we can become better placed in ourselves with the whole of everything and everyone else by letting go of anything that keeps us apart – any forced or exaggerated and unnecessary distinctions.
Here’s How:
Have a wander around the ideas put forward, remaining unique with a whole unique life of your own to live with the whole of humanity – past, present and future… allowing it all to settle in your own good time.
Allowing all your underlying connections to open, becoming free moving channels, alive and living - buzzing, if you like, like electricity running throughout. Feels good doesn’t it - just to be alive and living in the whole of everything – enjoy!
Things may need shifting around, just be open to being your best – good for yourself, everyone and everything else for that matter – and take your time, giving yourself all the time, space and resources you need, making yours the most pleasant, lightest and easiest path possible.
Yes, let go, breathing all that good stuff of life, humanity and yourself in, around and throughout…
We are all so worth it.
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here’s what’s happening this week…
Global Reiki Circle – totally free and always will be was amazing last week - I consider doing more of these after every event, so I shall open myself up to the possibility and see how things go. The next definite date is Sunday 13th June at 8 pm UK time...
Join our Facebook Group here for links to this monthly event where you’ll find preparation guidance.
After too long in lockdown, Wholistic Living for REAL – the way your Nature intends workshops are heading out into the real world. I can't wait to begin working with people in person once more and getting more 'less stressed, more living' out into the world.
I realise I can't be everywhere, so still open to travel (when allowed) and do online classes and talks too.
Email info@livingfirst.co.uk for more information.
… prefer ditching your stress for good 1 to 1?
phone Pat on 07737 196 669
... still not sure?
click the link to book a complementary 30 min call back
above all,
be safe, be sure, be you-ti-full