Good morning,
Oh my it has been a busy week!
And yes, finding that something that just fits like a glove is gorgeous. What was it for me? It was realising my business enterprise, Living First, fits the UK Social Enterprise model like a glove... bliss.
I found out by applying to the School for Social Entrepreneurs' AWE (Accelerating Women's Enterprise) program run out of Dartington Hall - this time last year! Back then, I wasn't really in a place in myself to know this was the thing for me - still too much in my headspace of business. Since Covid-19 hit - I changed - a lot... and for me, for the better! Now, it just seems perrrrfect.
So, what does this mean? Whilst this change is massive for me personally, it hasn't really changed anything as far as customer experience is concerned. However, what it does give us all is scope for the business to become properly established and expand to affect more lives... for the better.
To get people enjoying their lives from the inside out, throughout and back in again
Therapy Practice out of a rural setting for outdoor therapy, to also cater for online sessions and residential courses.
Clients can be referred from the NHS, pay privately or are sponsored by friends, family, or benefactors
Training for Transformational Therapists
Living First's Clients
My background is a family of 9 in a 3 bedroomed council house on what was in its time, the newest, largest council estate in Europe. Nobody really knew anyone else, I suppose there would have been some families that moved together, but our family wasn't one of them. It was brand new, with 2 gardens front and back, plenty of space for playing outside and that's what we did. Money was tight, yet my mum was phenomenal at putting hot meals on the table every day - even a cooked breakfast on a Sunday, as well as doing all the grocery shopping, laundry (you can imagine can't you) whilst saving to pay outright for the larger items as and when. Phenomenal isn't the word really - I can't put her on a pedestal high enough - she is a star.
What does this have to do with my clients? My mum inspires me to do what I do for predominantly women, but men also who deserve more than their lot. People who do their utmost, go above and beyond and deserve a break. Also, the younger, excluded and disenfranchised.
So yes, my potential clients:
> Salt of the Earth - hard workers going above and beyond
> Those with that unmistakable joie de vie
> Free spirited (or who would like to be) who put their heart and soul into everything they do
> Aware, and potentially proud of their individuality
> In some way disenfranchised, excluded
Could this be you or someone you know who you would like to help?
Would you like to find out more about training to become a Transformational Therapist?
Would you like to find out about sponsoring someone else's journey of self-rediscovery?
There's lots of way to get and keep in touch:
> phone 07737 196 669 (I don't answer numbers I don't know so yes, please do leave a message)
> You can book a complementary discovery call back through Calendly
> Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter for more advice, support, guidance, inspiration etc. etc.
> Subscribe to www.livingfirst.co.uk - to subscribe to this blog and freebies - to keep in the Living First loop.
> There is also the option to work with me 1 to 1 via Zoom, face to face, outdoor or in group workshops, again, online via Zoom, in person or outdoor.
The first run of online workshops begins on Tuesday, 17th November at either 10am or 7pm - each 2 hour session is £10 and is limited to 12 people.
All the best and looking forward to hearing from you soon.
photo courtesy of Ian Schneider on Unsplash