D is for Disruption
Disruption is a fact of life that’s woven into the very fabric of existence. .
Whilst peace, love, light, togetherness, abundance and understanding form gorgeous aspects of life, there's no getting away from the fact that disruptions are happening all the time.
There’s the universal, planetary, inter-species and yes, even intra-species. So, there’s no small wonder we all live in some form of conflict – inside, out and throughout.
The tricky bit is that we humans are pretty good at smoothing that conflict – so much so, we become placid, complacent, comfortable, which, whilst a form of living, isn’t alive and living. On the flipside to this forced passivity is, of course stress.
Trickier still is when stepping out of that passivity.
Oh yes, all change, planned and otherwise can be stressful... unless...
The key to stepping out anyway, and giving your chance of living a full and happy life a good go, is acceptance and to be accepting of everything.
Here's How:
You want to be you, a happy you - alive and living your life to the full.
And that’s the first step, allow the words to sink in, float all around, inside and throughout,
‘I want to be me, a happy me - alive and living my life to the full.’
Breathe it in, allowing it to travel all around, inside and out.
There will be conflict, as we have seen, this is inevitable – life is full of it.
Take time out – alive and living time outs, getting your whole self on board with where you are, who you’re with. what's important and what’s to be done.
It may not even be a stressful situation, conflict arises everywhere - ask yourself, just how many times a day do you stop yourself from being free to be yourself?
This is your life and this is your chance to shine and thrive; to be abundant in all you are. It’ll be tough at times, but my goodness, the payoffs will be more than worth it.
A quick reminder:
Your whole self lives to be you, a happy you, living your life to the full
Disruption is inevitable
Take alive and living time outs – wholistic ‘me’ time
Be free to be yourself
Shine, thrive; be abundant in all you are
We only have one shot at life - let's make it a good one !
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here’s what’s happening this week…
Global Reiki Circle – and yes, despite life's busyness just now, I'm doing ad hoc ones too - I do wonder sometimes who is joining me! No matter what, it's all fab. The official one is this coming Sunday, 13th June at 8 pm UK time...
Workshops - Things are moving on the real life versions of Living First therapies... slowly.
I'm still open to travel (when and where allowed), but realise I can't be everywhere, so still available online via zoom too.
Email info@livingfirst.co.uk for more information.
… prefer ditching your stress for good 1 to 1?
phone Pat on 07737 196 669
... still not sure?
click the link to book a complementary 30 min call back
above all,
be safe, be sure, be you-ti-full